Sun Nov 10 21:54:20 2002 Olivier Mehani * little bug-fixes and improvements by Nicolas Deves , little other modifications which seemed logic to me when I did it :-) Wed Aug 21 04:22:05 2002 Olivier Mehani * version 0.5: the script now saves previously existing files before overwriting, araw-up, araw-down, routing-up & routing-down scripts added to allow better control over the execution of araw (idea thanks to Mathieu Ruellan ), it's now possible to use pppoa3 instead of pppoa2, see Sun Jul 21 ??:??:?? 2002 Olivier Mehani * version 0.4: the script now works, you juste have to change the paths, added a feature to try and keep an stable IP over disconnection (idea thanks to Nicolas Pouillon ) Fri May 31 ??:??:?? 2002 Olivier Mehani * version 0.2 : first public release Wed Aug 15 ??:??:?? 2001 Olivier Mehani * version 0.x: first fully functionnal version